
Saba Trail Shop


With helpful, hugely knowledgable staff and all the resources and equipment you could wish for, the Saba Trail Shop — run by the Saba Conservation Foundation — will help you get the most out of your hiking adventure on Saba. Buy a hiking map of the island, or better yet book a guided hike for an even richer experience of Saba’s biodiversity and history. 

Stop by to get your trail badge (yours for a $3 donation that supports trail-maintenance on the island), or to grab hiking sticks — they’re particularly useful on some of the steeper trails, especially when muddy. If you’re forgotten anything en route to Mt. Scenery or other nearby trails, this is also a great last stop for water and other necessities before tackling the trailhead. And after your hike, don’t forget to grab a t-shirt or other souvenir at the Trail Shop to properly commemorate the occasion.

Header image courtesy Saba Tourism Bureau.

Staff Video

Saba Conservation Foundation Trail Manager James Johnson (who also takes groups on guided hikes).

Contact Information

Website: SCF Trail Shop page

Location: In Windwardside, roughly across from the Mt. Scenery trailhead

Call: + 599 416-2630

Ask an Expert

Question: You have a long history with Saba’s trails, which also have their own long history. Can you describe that?

Answer: I've been working on all the hiking trails on Saba for 30 years. We have 23 different hiking trails, all historical — they’ve been here for more than 300 years, from the very first people who settled the island. They used the trails for agriculture, fishing, hunting. Most of the trails were closed off from 60 years back or more, when the farming started declining, but I knew all the trails from when I was a teenager farming with my father, my uncle, and my brother, and I started opening them up. And now Saba has become a world-class hiking destination.

James Johnson
Saba Conservation Foundation Trail Manager

Mount Scenery Trail


Mas’Cahones Trail
