Community Stories

Experience the richness and history of Saba through first-person stories from some of the people who call it home.

Featured Stories (see all below)

Elca Charles-Simmons

Teacher, artist, community historian

Singer, musician, owner of a beautiful love story

David Mac-Clean Johnson

James Franklin Johnson

(Gia) Arida Heyliger

Conservationist, recipe-hunter, mother

Park ranger, trail builder, descendant of pirates

Saba Lace maker, teacher, historian

Singer, Saba-advocate, entrepreneur

Elvis Levenston

Alma Peggy Barnes

Explore all Community Stories

Magaly Barnes

Alma Peggy Barnes

Gardener, mother, early bird

Saba Lace maker, teacher, historian

Eric Wilfred Cornet

Lynn Costenaro

Shipman, construction worker, organist

Sea & Learn founder, dive instructor, forever curious

Otto DeVries

Jordan Every

Ship captain, dive guide, namesake of a local dive spot

Sustainability & community advocate

Marcia Guido

Henrietta Hassell

Restaurateur, Saba Lace maker

Librarian, mother, caretaker

Malinda Hassell

Ray Hassell

Jay Haviser

Alwin Hylkema

Archaeologist, heritage-research advocate

Aquaculture & fisheries researcher

James Franklin Johnson

James “Peddy” Johnson

Jennifer Marie Johnson

Will Johnson

Politician, historian, author

Tour guide, grandmother, historian

Dancer, childcare provider, chef

Singer, Saba-advocate, entrepreneur

Michael Nicholson

Vernisha Robinson

Saba Radio DJ & station manager

Actor, singer, community leader

Gia Robinson-Heyliger

Shirley M. Smith

Former nurse and Saba Radio DJ

Conservationist, recipe-hunter, mother

Percival Ten-Holt

Simon G. Wilson

Excellent storyteller, former park ranger

Retired priest, son of the soil

Kai Wulf

Tracy Zager-Johnson

Parks manager, photographer, drone pilot

Spanish teacher, department leader, mother

Joyce Chichester-Smith

Elca Charles-Simmons

Teacher, artist, community historian

Nurse, mother, celebration-lover

Former senator, current grandfather, coffee-shop regular

Director of Tourism, hiker, visitor concierge

Lifelong Saban, rises with the sun, birdsong-appreciator

David Mac-Clean Johnson

Eric A. Johnson

Singer, musician, owner of a beautiful love story

Taxi driver, former construction worker, knows The Road top to bottom

Park ranger, trail builder, descendant of pirates

Elvis Levenston

Edsel Lake