Community Stories

Edsel Lake

Dancer, childcare provider, chef


Community Stories: Edsel Lake


I am Edsel Lake. I am currently one of a team of childcare providers at the Saba after-school care. I was born on the island of St. Maarten, but my mother's side of the family, her heritage is from Saba, so she's the reason why I spent a considerable amount of time here on Saba.

When the after-school first started many moons ago in the early 2000s, I was on Saba, I became a full-time chef and childcare provider. But performing arts was really my first love — jazz, ballet, modern, African. I've been fortunate enough to have some workshops, and on Saba Day I also got the chance to perform. My ultimate goal is to get dance set in the curriculum where it is a part of the education, the same way you have English and Spanish, mathematics. That and performing arts, music should be a part of the curriculum, because there's a lot of talent here.

The sea is where I feel most relaxed, probably because of my birth sign. I'm a Virgo so I tend to feel at peace mostly because of the water, and I'm an Earth sign. So those two kind of go good together. So I'm at peace when I'm barefoot flat on the ground, you know, I have that time to myself to really reflect and just zone out for a couple minutes and take in everything. So Fort Bay, Cove Bay, Wells Bay — those are like particular good spots. Breathtaking views. I mean, there are some pictures I saw today that I didn't even realize they were taken on Saba, and I live here. There are some moments you still get stuck, like on Saturday I was walking towards my home and there was this sunset, and I literally had to stop and take a picture. Those moments are one-in-a-million, I would say.

Ask a Local

Question: What’s Carnival, and what’s it like on Saba?

Answer: We have a carnival in July — it's music, food, parades, costumes. We have a week of performances. Sometimes we even have groups come from overseas, bands and things to join us. It's smaller than, like, Trinidad, but it's very good. 

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