Community Stories

Jordan Every

Sustainability & community advocate


Community Stories: Jordan Every


My name is Jordan Every. I was born and raised here. I lived here for like 15 years because I went away to study in Holland, and now I'm back to work for the government.

I studied international business, and then my focus was branding and consumer trends, but then I needed to do my thesis. And I couldn't find anywhere in the Netherlands to do my thesis, it was just COVID. All of the businesses were closed. And my only option was to come back home and do a thesis with the government here. I did it on the recycle program, and how to build awareness for the community and things like that. So that's how I ended up coming back, because I wrote my thesis and then a job opportunity happened. And now I'm the junior policy advisor for sustainability and economic development here.

What does it mean for me to be Saban? That's a good question. I think for me, I think it's all about community and loving one another. And just being there. That's what I love about Saba — that if something happens to another person, that we're always there to pick up the pieces or help out. Or, for example, like back in the day when someone was building the house, instead of paying people to come in and fix the house, you cook and then the whole island would come and help you fix your home, you know, and I think that's something that's really beautiful here. For example, I locked the keys in the car, so I just ran up to a local bar and I'm like, “Can somebody help me?” And immediately someone came down and he fixed the window. That's how things work here: You need something, the person is literally right there. So I think that's what I love about Saba and that's what it means to me — it's about community. Yeah, and just loving one another.

Ask a Local

Question: What are some of your favorite places on Saba?

Answer: Mount Scenery, the Rendezvous trail. You can sit out on the rock and look over at the sea. Also Below The Gap, I think because of my grandmother-in-law. I could go over there and sit on the wall, and just listen to the sea battering against it. 

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