Hikes & Trails

Adopt-a-Box Walking Tour

About this trail

What turns unsightly electrical boxes into meaningful public art — and a unique walking trail all its own? Meet Adopt-a-Box, a program of the Sea & Learn Foundation. 

You’ve probably noticed (either consciously or unconsciously), but Saba’s stunning scenery is entirely unobstructed by power lines. That’s because the Saba Electric Company installed all of them underground, safeguarding both the electrical systems and the pristine views of the landscape. In order to make these remarkable views happen, however, concrete electrical boxes had to be added across the island.

The Sea & Learn Foundation saw an opportunity to transform these boxes into installations that celebrate Saba’s nature and cultural history, and in 2022, the Adopt-A-Box project began. Thanks to contributions from local community members and organizations, there were already more than 30 new waypoints created by the following year, highlighting people and moments from Saba’s history, incredible species that call Saba home, paintings by local artists, and more. 

As you wander through town and into nature, see how many you can find! Each installation is a unique, community-created representation of Saba, and they’re fantastic places to pause and appreciate local culture as you explore the island.


As far (or short) as you like

Hiking resources:
On-island? Stop by Saba’s Trail Shop (run by the Saba Conservation Foundation) for detailed trail maps, info on guided hikes, and more. Plus, support trail-maintenance with a $3 donation, and you’ll receive a Saba trail badge! Not on Saba yet? Explore the SCF’s online map

Directions to trailhead

An online map showing all Adopt-a-Box locations is on the way, but in the meantime, simply wandering the village of Windwardside is an excellent place to start.

Trail Highlights

Ask a Local

Question: What are some of your favorite places on Saba?

Answer: Mount Scenery, the Rendezvous trail. You can sit out on the rock and look over at the sea. Also Below The Gap, I think because of my grandmother-in-law. I could go over there and sit on the wall, and just listen to the sea battering against it.

Elca Charles-Simmons
Teacher, artist, mother, and community historian

Sea & Learn Foundation


Lynn Costernaro
