
Sea and Learn Foundation


The Sea & Learn Foundation’s mission is to bring together local communities and visitors to both learn about Saba’s nature and cultural heritage, and be inspired to protect it. The foundation is best known for its flagship program (and namesake) Sea & Learn, an annual month-long series of environmental-awareness events in which science and nature experts are brought to the island to share work relevant to Saba and the Caribbean. Whether delivering a public talk on Saba’s endemic orchids, taking community members on a night-hike to identify fluorescing scorpions, or visiting local schools to get kids excited about native species, Sea & Learn experts lead programs that highlight the wide variety of nature in this special place. October 2023 marks Sea & Learn’s 20th anniversary, and celebrates two decades of fostering lifelong connections to Saba’s biodiversity. 

Sea & Learn also supports Saba’s creative community, from setting up sites for public artwork to bringing artists to the island for community events. One powerful example of the former is their Adopt-A-Box initiative, which turns electrical boxes all over the island into public art-and-storytelling installations that celebrate Saba’s nature, history, and culture. (See “Related Content” below to learn more!) Additionally, the foundation hosted its first Create & Learn in 2018, a month-long program of artist showcases and hosted workshops. Regardless of what Sea & Learn event you attend or what public art you experience, it’s guaranteed to leave you with a deeper understanding of what — and who — makes Saba so unique.

Header image by Kai Wulf.

Staff Video

The Sea & Learn Foundation’s founding director, Lynn Costenaro.

Contact Information


Call or WhatsApp: + 599 416-6677


Connect on social: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn

Ask an Expert

Question: The Sea & Learn Foundation does so much — how would you describe its ultimate goal?

Answer: We say that if we get through to one kid a year who is a future decision-maker — whether they're going to be a politician, or on a board, or just walking down a trail — and they make their decision differently because of what we expose them to, obviously that's our success.

Lynn Costenaro
Founding director, Sea & Learn Foundation

Green Sea Turtle

In the Water: Reptiles

Adopt-a-Box Walking Tour
