Hikes & Trails

The Ladder

About this trail

Before there was The Road, there was The Ladder: a series of hundreds of stone steps built into the cliffs of Saba that snake along the steep terrain at Ladder Bay. This was the sole access point for goods and people on Saba from European occupation of the island until the 1970s, when other forms of infrastructure (including the airport) rendered the laborious climb obsolete. 

The descent begins with a forested set of stairs lined with rock walls, leading to an old Customs house. Take in the expansive view from the frame of the house, and keep an eye out at sea for red-billed tropicbirds (Phaethon aethereus) and brown boobies (Sula leucogaster), and on land for brown-throated parakeets (Eupsittula pertinax) and black-whiskered vireos (Vireo altiloquus). A sidewinding set of steps allows you to dive down toward the turquoise bay, while to the distant right is Well’s Bay, one of island’s rare strips of beach. As you travel down enjoying the views, be sure to watch your step — the walls may be low or non-existent at times, and the lowest few steps near the ocean have eroded. 

When you’re ready to begin the steep ascent, imagine the not-so-distant history when this was the sole access point to the island, where provisions, boats, and literally everything else was brought from the sea to the island (even a grand piano!). Bring water and be prepared for a breathtaking hike, in more ways than one.

Header image by Kai Wulf.


0.43 km/0.27 miles
1 hour round trip

Hiking resources:
On-island? Stop by Saba’s Trail Shop (run by the Saba Conservation Foundation) for detailed trail maps, info on guided hikes, and more. Plus, support trail-maintenance with a $3 donation, and you’ll receive a Saba trail badge! Not on Saba yet? Explore the SCF’s online map

Directions to trailhead

This trail can be accessed by traveling from The Bottom, along the road past the hospital toward Well’s Bay. At the junction near the lookout gazebo, take a left. Down this steep road, youll see a trailhead sign where the trail begins.

Trail Highlights

Ask a Local

Question: How would you describe Saba’s nature to someone who hasn’t been here?

Answer: Saba’s nature is breathtaking, it's just unique. Each of the islands within the kingdom, they're quite different, because when you look at it, we have no beaches here — only our seasonal beach that comes in usually in the summer months, which is a black-sand beach, which we love — and the flora and the cool breeze that we get here, it's quite different. Each island is unique, but I'm biased; I love this island. It's a must to come and visit the island because again, whether it's below the sea or above the sea, it's beautiful.

(Gia) Arida Heyliger
Conservationist, recipe-hunter, mother

Red-billed tropicbird

In the Air: Birds

Saba Trail Shop
