Hikes & Trails

Mount Scenery Trail

About this trail

The Mountain Scenery trail is one of the most popular on Saba, featuring 1,015 steps that bring hikers up through unique, cloud-forest habitat before rewarding them with a view from what’s often referred to as “the highest point in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.” With roughly 488 meters/1,600 feet of elevation gain, that view — when the clouds part — is breathtaking, encompassing Saba’s picturesque villages and neighboring islands. 

Even on its mistiest days, Mount Scenery’s near-pristine Elfin Forest remains a magical habitat. From tree ferns, mountain palms, and wild banana trees to lower-altitude cactus and sea grape species — you’ll see it all in one hike. Big, lush vegetation and canopy makes it a prime choice for birdwatching, but this trail will make you work for its beauty, uphill and down. Sections of concrete can become slippery in mist or rain (hikers are advised to use handrails wherever possible), and deep mud often waits at the highest section of trail, where rope-lines are installed to help euphoric hikers haul themselves up through an unforgettable experience.

Header image by Kai Wulf.


2.5 hours round trip

Hiking resources:
On-island? Stop by Saba’s Trail Shop (run by the Saba Conservation Foundation) for detailed trail maps, info on guided hikes, and more. Plus, support trail-maintenance with a $3 donation, and you’ll receive a Saba trail badge! Not on Saba yet? Explore the SCF’s online map

Directions to trailhead

Begin in Windwardside, directly opposite the Trail Shop (run by the Saba Conservation Foundation). Alternate access can be found at the end of Mountain Road (which will reduce hiking time by about 20 minutes), or from the Bud’s Mountain Trail, which joins the Mount Scenery Trail at the highest shelter.

Trail Highlights

Ask a Local

Question: What’s your favorite trail on Saba?

Answer: After almost 50 years on Saba, I still hike Mount Scenery at least twice a week. It’s hard work, but I love it — just don’t hike it in the dark!

Lynn Costenaro
Founder, Saba Sea & Learn

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